
nature tag - Best Tourism best destinations pag 2


The "greenest" cities in the world (Eco-friendly locations)

Portland in Oregon, USA Portland in Oregon, USA
   It is the first city built as a bicycle friendly community in the American League initiative cyclists. He received and distinct "Popular Science" for the greenest city based on a survey on the use of renewable energy, green transportation options, recycling and eco lifestyle. The main attractions are the parks in Portland, so you can see, for example, the smallest park in the world, even recognized by Guinness World Records....
Zermatt in Switzerland Zermatt in Switzerland
   Zermatt, a quiet town at the foot of the Matterhorn massif (located on the border between Switzerland and Italy) is perfect for those who love outdoor activities: skiing, hiking and mountain climbing. As the area developed in terms of tourism, local authorities decided to maintain an infrastructure to meet growing transport demands. Today, the streets are reserved for pedestrians and cyclists. Residents carry their shopping cart by hand, the horse or the steam engines. You can also use small electric cars but requ...
Freiburg in Germany Freiburg in Germany
   Freiburg is already one of the cities with a tradition in cross domain, especially in that he had rebuilt after World War II and the reconstruction was done by ecological principles. City visitors can enjoy an area with a well-structured social density, called Riesefeld, built in the '80s or Vauban sector where no cars. Solar City not to be missed or heliotrope House, both designed by Rolf Dich (German architect and activist in environmental protection)....

The most polluted places in the world (Eco-friendly locations)

Great Pacific Garbage Patch Great Pacific Garbage Patch
   What is there? Well it is famous - tragic fame - Pacific landfill. Because of ocean currents that converge in this area and they carry with trash floating in the ocean, there was formed a floating island of garbage, of enormous dimensions. Its surface was estimated to be approximately double that Texas American status (the second largest in the U.S.) that's about. 1.4 million km square, a frightening figure. In this vast expanse - and down to 10 meters under the surface - floating garbage a hideous crowd, most of which waste pla...
Citarum River in Indonesia Citarum River in Indonesia
  It was called the dirtiest river in the world - a title that nobody would wish for the water near which he lives. Around five million people live in the Citarum river basin, and many of them use it as a water source. Late last year, a large bank Asian Development Bank - has granted a loan of 500 million dollars to clean infected watercourse. To hope that, years later, Citarum will not be on the list like this....
Yamuna River in India Yamuna River in India
   As dirty and dangerous as the Citarum, Yamuna River, the largest tributary of the Ganges, passing through the city of Delhi - and that says almost everything about halul incare there. It is estimated that 58% of city waste product goes directly into the Yamuna, whose waters are used by millions of Indians both waste disposal and for washing, cooking and drinking....

The most unreal landscapes on earth (Destinations)

Socotra Island in Yemen Socotra Island in Yemen
   It all started about six million years ago, when an area of 3625 sq. km separated from Africa (in fact, separated from the supercontinent Gondwana), during the continental drift. It was the time when there were created a unique microclimate and ecosystem, favoring the endemic species. The heaven of botanists and zoologists began to be populated by Arab tribes about three millennia ago, but the island was already known to the Greeks, who called it Dioscorides, and to the Romans, who related to it as Dyo-Socor-Yahlas or Dyo-Soto...
Spotted Lake in Canada Spotted Lake in Canada
   In the hot summer sun, spotted lake (located in British Columbia and Washington), evaporates and crystallizes forming minerals are white circles that contain shallow pools that reflect the mineral content of water in blue and green.      This lake is very rich in mineral concentrations: magnesium sulphate (Epsom salt), calcium and sodium sulphate, including titanium and silver. Native name is Klikuk Lake and its water is used by locals to cure joint pain....
The "Door to Hell" in Turkmenistan The "Door to Hell" in Turkmenistan
   "The door to hell", as locals called this place is a crater 70 meters in diameter, near the town Darvaza (from Turkmenistan), burning continuously for 38 years.    In 1971, geologists digging to discover gas deposits have stumbled upon a huge underground cave, which made the earth to collapse, taking with him all geological equipment. Since the cave was filled with toxic gas, geologists have never dared to go into the cave to recover the equipment, hoping that the gas will burn and be consumed within ...